November 13, 1916

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November 13, 1916

Nov. 13. H.Q. in ruined house in M.M. Had some biscuit and chocolates and then slept on an elegant sofa in room with one side missing until 3-30 when we started off in dark for trenches. After marching about a mile along road, we got into heavy shell fire, and struck off across country – a wild scramble in dark (the only light coming from gun fire and shells) – over old wire and trenches. Had a lot of ‘tear shell’ gas – but too dark to wear masks. Finally just at day light, struck on a communication trench and after marching up it about 3/4 mile halted, [about 8 a.m.] and remained sitting there in mud and under shell fire till 11 a.m. Had with me at rear of battalion, Lt. Bull and Pardré Gibbs; who had attached himself to my aid post. 11 a.m. Battalion had orders to advance and occupy German trenches. I and aid post set off to find H.Q. said to be in ‘White City’ – a line of dug outs in side of a hill. On arriving at White City found it being heavily shelled and everyone in cover; put my men down a dug out for safety and I and Padré and Sergeant searched for H.Q. but were told that they had gone forward – so set off after them just along a trench but found going so bad that we got out on top. After numerous directions found ourselves back in White City, but starting off again at last found H.Q. in old front line trench. Sent sergeant back for aid post staff and had a sleep, now 5 p.m. Regiment entirely lost in German lines and H.Q. does not even know where they are. 8 p.m. Battalion being lost and consequently having no work – Pardré and I went out between our and Bosch lines and found and dressed
a number of wounded lying about. I got some back to aid post, about 3 a.m. Had a sleep under C/o’ bed.


[M.M. – the village of Mailly-Maillet]

[Pardé Gibbs – believed to be Rev. Francis Anthony Woodward Gibbs M.C. and bar.]

[C/o bed – Commanding officer’s bed]

Image Credits

Imperial War Museum