November 17, 1916

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November 17, 1916

Nov 17. 3 a.m. Marched to Hamel and from there up the north bank of Ancre to Hamel Station in old Bosch 2nd line and bivouacked under a hill which sheltered us from Bosch fire. Had an exciting time crossing a bit of open road near the station at the bottom of a valley down which Bosch were shooting; Battalion went in small parties of half platoons and had to run about 150 yds. I and adjutant came last and dud shell landed about 8 yds off and covered us with mud. Found 48th Field Ambulance Advanced Dressing Station next [to] our H.Q. so had nothing to do, as their bearers collected all wounded and took them in. H.Q. consisted of four walls of sand bags, about 5 ft. high and a stove. The men dug themselves pits. Raining and snowing all day.

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Imperial War Museum