April 23, 1917

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April 23, 1917

St. Nicholas Oil Factory

ZERO 4.35 a.m. Lt BURGES R.A.M.C. wounded before going into action. Capt. Taylor sent to replace him 2.30 a.m. Capt. McClurkin and Capt. Elliott with a Tent Subdivision of 49th and 50th Field Ambulance moved up at 9.30 a.m. and opened an Advanced Dressing Station on the St. LAURENT-BLANGY – GAVRELLE ROAD at 1.30 p.m. I visited the A.D.S. at 4.30 p.m. and met the A.D.M.S. there. An N.C.O. and 19 men of the 9th Nth. Staffs assisted in digging and making shelters.


[Capt. Elliott opened the ‘Northern’ Advanced Dressing Station and received casualties throughout the day. The ADS site had no cover, and was exposed to enemy shell fire.]

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Imperial War Museum