April 5, 1916

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April 5, 1916

April 5. 2.a.m. Informed leave on – train leaves
Bouquemaison 5.a.m. So got up in dark found
some breakfast at mess and Capt. Nicholson who
is also due to leave – and started to walk 2 miles.
Train 2 hours late – left Bouquemaison 7.a.m.
arrived Le Harve pier at 9.30 p.m. Told
no boats crossing and given beds in empty ward
of a hospital on pier – and a meal – just thinking
of bed at 11.[p.m.] – when informed boats starting
so all made a rush for quay – found several
boats loading up – got on board the ‘Connaught’
old Dublin North Wall boat – and got a billet
in cabin – and good sleep crossing.

Image Credits

Imperial War Museum