August 6, 1916

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August 6, 1916

Aug 6. Move up to front line in front of Bazentin-Le-Petit, a very hot spot enfiladed from High Wood. In front of us [is the] Intermediate Trench held by [the] Bosch in our front – and to right by some of the Loyal North Lancs. H.Q. in deep dug-out in village. My aid post in a shelter dug in side of road to right of village – and I have a hole in a path leading up a slight hill to a ruined mill. We get a lot of shells of all sorts, but a slight hill in front of us protects the aid post.


[The Intermediate Trench was unusually occupied by both German soldiers on the left side, and British soldiers on the right side. A barricade had been constructed in the middle of the trench line where the two forces met. It took nearly a week of ‘bombing’ missions, carried out at night, to secure the entire trench.}

[Left – a letter written to the commander of 112th Brigade, 34th Division, Brigadier General P.M. Robinson ordering him to carry out ‘bombing’ missions (Mills Bomb grenade attack).

Image Credits

Imperial War Museum