December 27, 1915

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December 27, 1915

Monday 27. Arrived Abbeville 12-30. Very warm night, luckily
as found no where to go. Went into town but could not
find any hotel open. So slept on platform. At 6 a.m.
got breakfast – bowl of tea – tin of sardines from canteen. And
at 7-30 got another train which arrived at railhead at
12-30. Found ourselves in a very small station with
no village in sight – and not much idea what to do.
So had lunch of bully, bread + jam – and then
got a cyclist to take a message to A.D.M.S. who
sent a car at 3-30 to carry us to his office


Arrived there, we were posted Harrison to 50th and self to
48th Field Ambulance and despatched to there by car. We
dropped H. first at Henu and took me on to Humbercamps
where found mess and hospital in a farm house. I
got a billet in a small house near, along a very
muddy lane. Got a stretcher to sleep on – three infantry
officers in same room – so rather a tight fit.

Image Credits

The RAMC Muniment Collection in the care of the Wellcome Library/Wellcome Images
(Some alterations may have been made to the images. )

Imperial War Museum