December 29, 1915

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December 29, 1915

Dec. 29. Transfered to 50th F.A.
sent kit over by Ford Car in morning and rode over in
aft. with groom to take back horses. Found
ambulance in a large Chatéau at Henu, a small
village on road from Pas to Souastré. First and second
ground floor used as wards, operating room and orderly
room, attics as medical officers quarters. Our
quarter small attics furnished with collection of
old and decrepit but good furniture, mattresses on
floor, and stoves made from oil-cans all very
comfortable. The men in barns in the
court yard. Part of the place occupied by a
farmer and family. There is a large walled
garden and big farm yard and stables, but most
of the place including the house itself falling
into decay not having been occupied for many
years; belongs to Duc de Pas, but never lives
here, a notary from Pas comes up every
week to see what damage we have done.

Image Credits

The RAMC Muniment Collection in the care of the Wellcome Library/Wellcome Images
(Some alterations may have been made to the images. )

Imperial War Museum

National Meteorological Library & Archive