December 30, 1915

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December 30, 1915

Dec. 30. Motored to Pas to draw pay from Field Cashier for c/o. In aft. rode with Capt.Paterson to advanced dressing station at Foncquevillers, known to British as Funky Villers, another ruined village in a salient opposite Goummecourt; main street enfiladed by machine gun fire and unsafe from 5 to 7 p.m. when Bosch turns on his gun. This village contains R.H.Q., R.A.P. and A.D.S. and billet for reserve Coy. Two ‘whiz bangs’ arrived while we were in it. Had tea in H.Q. mess of 8th East Lancs, in a farm with dug outs round it in case of shelling. Road home in dark, road lit up by very lights from trenches. Met regimental transports and reliefs going up to village.


[Coy. = Company]

[A.D.S. = Assistant Director of Supplies]

Image Credits

The RAMC Muniment Collection in the care of the Wellcome Library/Wellcome Images
(Some alterations may have been made to the images. )

Imperial War Museum

National Meteorological Library & Archive