July 25, 1916

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July 25, 1916

July 25. Inspection of brigade this aft.

[From war diary of 10th Royal Fusiliers:
In the afternoon the battalion together with remainder of 111th Brigade was
inspected by the Corp Commander (III Corps) Lt. General W. P. Pulteney K.C.B., D.S.O.
who expressed his appreciation of the smart appearance and good turn out
of the Battalion. He also expressed the opinion that the work done by the
Battalion in the unsuccessful attack on Pozieres on 15th, contributed
materially to the eventual capture of that place by the Australians
and Territorials.]

[From the war diary of 11th Royal Warwicks:
… The General commented on the task the Brigade was set on July 15 on Pozieres as
one of the most difficult ever set to any troops.]

Image Credits

Imperial War Museum