July 6, 1916

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July 6, 1916

July 6th. Our brigade 112th Infantry Brigade to be attached
to 34th Division.

Up at 4-30 – breakfast at 5. Parade at 6 a.m. To await
motor buses to carry us down to Albert. Motors
did not arrive until nearly 11 am. We spent
interval lying about on parade ground. At 11
all on board motor buses en route for Albert,
a very hot, dusty and tiring ride – arrived
at a village, Millencourt, about 3 miles west of
Albert about 6 p.m. by which time it had
come on to rain. The battalion was given
a field of standing corn and told to bivouac
there for the night. About half a dozen
bell tents, the only provision – the rest
had to sleep out in wet corn under waterproof
sheets. H.Q. got a meal about 10 p.m. the
first since 5 a.m. in morning. Got to bed by
12 p.m.

Image Credits

Imperial War Museum