June 20, 1916

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June 20, 1916

June 19. [20th] Busy getting stores etc. into Aid-post, and
putting up canvas walls and shelves in my dug-out.
Later explored chalk cave under church – entrance
by a well about 50 ft. deep down which one
climbs on a rope – at bottom is a large series
of caves capable of holding about 500 men –
The engineers are driving a second shaft down
from a trench.

Afternoon up trenches to see an advanced aid
post we are digging – and then up to support
Then back to dinner at H.Q. which is in a
series of baby elephants one joining mess room
and other for C/o, 2nd and adjutant and orderly
room, in the church yard, just across road
from my dug-out.

Image Credits

Imperial War Museum