June 22, 1916

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June 22, 1916

June 21. [22nd] Spent most of day with my servant and
two men from Batt. carrying sacks of stone from
church yd. wall and putting them on top of Aid
post – and shovelling on earth.

In evening from 8.30 to 1[am] carrying rations and
lowering them down to the cave in boxes, each
box contains 20 ‘iron rations’ and weighs 60 lb. We
stored 300 boxes in cave; this was done by officers
and men of H.Q. as no proper working parties can
be spared.

Every night quantities of ammunition, bombs, grenades
and trench mortor shells coming up to villages and

Our pardré has charge of arrangements for
storing water in trenches and is very busy, has
to store 1700 gallons of water in petrol tins
and barrels and tanks in the village and trenches.

Image Credits

Imperial War Museum