November 14, 1916

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November 14, 1916

Nov. 14. Began to get wounded in, in morning. At 10 a.m. moved aid post over to old German front line where occupied a large dug out – about 300 yds behind position occupied by battalion; and was subsequently joined by H.Q. Padre Gibbs went up to the front line and got shot in the thigh, so sent him back to ambulance. This dug out runs under German front line for a long way and consists of a number of caves joined by passages. In it are now H.Q. of Bedfords, and Warwicks, Machine guns – four aid posts and a number of men from odd units lost and strayed. I explored both ways for about 1/4 mile but did not get to end either way. Numerous exits which are mostly smashed by shell fire and very difficult to climb up and down – the trench is impassable with mud and wreckage. Found a number of wounded in the dug outs, both British and Bosch, where they had taken refuge; and at night got up a large bearer party and after having with difficulty got them up out of the dug outs – sent them back.


[“sent them back…” – sent them back down the chain of evacuation, most likely to an Advanced Dressing Station or Field Ambulance]

Image Credits

Imperial War Museum